Swedish Automotive has been independently owned and operated by Neil Troyer since 1997. Neil always wanted Swedish Automotive to remain a small, independent repair facility. This would allow him to remain just a few feet away from his customers and their automobiles. It's this hands on approach that has been the most consistent and appealing trait about Swedish Automotive and why his customers have been so loyal over these many years.
Neil started out working in his garage in the late 1980's offering standard maintenance such as oil changes and tune-ups, overtime Swedish Automotive transitioned to a full service multi bay repair shop. In 1996 Neil purchased his current location at 340 Five Forks just off of Woodfruff Rd. in Simpsonville. Like Neil, this unpretentious facility is focused exclusively on servicing customers and their automotive needs.
With a proud history of excellent work and customer service Swedish Automotive remains one of the best and most trusted imported automobile repair centers in the upstate. This is no secret to the loyal customers that have been coming back year after year. Through this successful, customer first, do it right - or don't do it strategy, Swedish Automotive will remain the right choice for your automotive needs.